About Us

spacemax indoor solutions

Who We Are

The name of our organization pretty much encompasses what we do for our customers. SpaceMax is an innovative coming of age Smart Furniture manufacturing company that is carving a niche in the furniture industry by providing homes with premium quality, multifunctional and comprehensive furniture articles. We are the pioneers of smart home furniture; we pride ourselves on being the trendsetters of this field.

Our product range comprises of a variety of furniture in a host of colors, styles, and finishes. We are backed by a team of knowledgeable and experienced professional designers who always come up with groundbreaking design solutions for your homes. Our major focus while designing is always on effective space utilisation for comfortable living. We solemnly believe that furniture design should be functional and aesthetically pleasing at the same time and we try to accomplish that in every single piece of furniture that we manufacture and sell.

  • Our Mission
  • Our Approach
  • Our Inspiration
  • Our Values

At SpaceMax our ultimate mission is to augment your space by formulating creative designs that serve two main purposes – add value to your property by increasing space and enhance your intrinsic potential to do more with less. We are committed to providing the highest quality custom furniture to meet our client’s modern design and space needs. Our goal is to give our customers something that they would be unable to find elsewhere – exceptional designs coupled with a make that is built to last.

At SpaceMax, right from the design stage to final execution at your site, we follow a structured Project Management approach under the supervision of a Senior Project Manager. We assign a Single Point of Contact for each Client, who will be responsible for end-to-end dealing, listening to the Client, ensuring the quality of work and Client satisfaction.

SpaceMax derives its inspiration from the concept of multi-functionality. We understood that to live comfortably, open and de-cluttered spaces are of paramount importance. These days in the urban areas living spaces are gradually decreasing unlike earlier times when super-spacious spaces were a norm. On top of that individuals end up buying huge pieces of furniture that tend to further reduce the living space and the recipient is left to minimum to no space.

This is where we come into the picture, we unravelled that by getting rid of the large furniture articles and devising multifunctional furniture two third extra space can be created in any given living space or workplace. This is the point where SpaceMax actually came into existence; we brainstormed and came up with the idea of introducing space saving furniture and multi-functional furniture designs.

    • Design with a purpose to solve human problems or improve standards of living.
    • Continuous focus on product leadership through innovation and integration of latest technology.
    • Create products with form, functionality and aesthetics that add value to human life.
    • Honesty and transparency in all aspects of conduct.

Our Differentiators!

Our Team

Himanshu Goel

Himanshu Goel

Founder & Managing Director
Manisha Dalmia

Manisha Dalmia

Creative Director
Sunil Mishra

Sunil Mishra

Director and Strategic Advisor

Mr. Himanshu Goel


Founder & Managing Director

Himanshu has more than 25 years of varied experience in different fields of life. He worked at large Investment Banks and Software companies for 20 years, lived in Boston, US for five years and then finally decided to pursue his passion in design specializing in Furniture and Interior design field. He has done M.Sc in Physics, MBA in Finance and later a diploma in interior designing from IDI, London. Now he is devoting himself full-time to develop new concepts and leading his company to become a pioneer in providing Smart Furniture Solutions and unique design concepts in India.

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